Red Bellied WoodPecker! Shot with my new Canon 600mm Gen II, the results are great.
Red Bellied WoodPecker and 600mm
Photographing Birds At A Feeder
How to photograph birds at your feeder and get pro results!
Cape May Butterfly & Moth
Really, more pics of bugs? Yea, get over it.
Orchid Home Studio
Shooting an orchid in my home studio. Why did they come out looking like a darn cartoon? I dunno, you tell me.
Where to find the birds
Hey, look up dope! They are up there!
Click here from tips to find cool birds to shoot (photographs that is).
5DSr Indigo Bunting
Make it blue please! Look at this great bird… just cool.
5DSr for Eagles
More Eagles, but this time, I use my Canon 5DSr. A good camera for birds in flight?
Canon 5DsR and Moiré – Not A Problem
No, moire is not the guy in this picture here, although it does look like someone I used to date. Moire is no problem with the new Canon 5DSr.
Home Studio Equipment
Now things get nuts. I got advice on buying some home studio equipment for flashes and such.
Amaryllis and Home Studio
How to set a home studio with nothing but a blanket, some beer, and some cheap lights. Oh yea, don’t forget the beer… you will need plenty.
Great Horned Owl & 5DSr
Check out my friend. She suffers from insomnia so don’t mind her stare.
Double Crested Cormorants
Ugly bird, cool camera, lotsa mouth watering fish eating action.
Micro Focus Align Ruler
Neurotic? Wanna improve your focus? Get a doctor.
Canon 5DSr Quick Review
My new stupid expensive 5DSr… yes you want one!
Click here for some pics and comments on this 51 megapixel marvel.
Cars! Radnor 2015
More fabulous cars at the 2015 Radnor Hunt Concours.